lunchtime permission

14th February 2018

Dear Parents,


We have listened to some of the feedback from the students and we are trialling a scheme where Year 10s and Year 11s will be allowed to go out at lunch-time Monday-Friday.

They will be allowed to leave at 12.15, Monday to Thursday and MUST return to school before 12.50 and on Fridays leave at 11.25 returning by 12.00. If they are not back on time, or they cause problems in the neighbourhood they will lose the privilege and will be kept in school for lunchtime the following day. Further sanctions may also be given if/where appropriate. For this to work we are trusting them to behave and act like young adults.

If you have any concerns or queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please could you sign and return the permission slip to allow your son/daughter out at lunch-times. No student will be allowed off site without written consent from their parent/carer.

Yours sincerely

Karen Slater


The Edge Academy