Keeping Your Child Safe

Very few adults harm children deliberately and most often, when harm does happen, families need support, not punishment or the removal of their children.

Many myths exist, so for the record:

  • Parents are responsible for their children’s safety.
  • Children’s Social Services become involved once concern is shared.
  • Decisions about abuse need careful assessment.
  • Children are best cared for by their own families.
  • Professionals want to work in partnership with families.
  • Very few children are removed from home following abuse.

Birmingham social workers and other professionals get involved when parents may be unable to protect their child from harm and need some help. In some cases Birmingham Police Child Protection Units will investigate with social workers to help protect children and decide whether an offence has been committed against a child.

If you have concerns regarding a child please contact the Children’s Advice and Support Service on 0121 303 1888 or via e-mail:  [email protected]

Outside of normal office hours call the Emergency Duty Team on 0121 675 4806.