The Edge Academy Curriculum Principles –


The Edge Academy Alternative Provision aims to be a welcoming, stable and friendly place for our students. We aim to provide the best possible environment for students to learn and develop with an understanding of the world around them. Together, we strive to bring the best out of our students, ensuring that they maximise their potential and are prepared as fully as possible for reintegration to mainstream education or for progress to further learning and life – be that post-16 study, employment or training.

Our aim is to offer what our students need to help them make the most of their potential. This requires a highly flexible approach, specialised skills and lots of experience in working with young people with additional needs.

Our challenge and motivation is to be the best Alternative Provision in Birmingham.

Whilst mainstream schools are incredible forces for good in society, helping to socialise, educate and engage the next generation, the journey through mainstream education, for some youngsters, is not a smooth one. For some students, success in the education system means we have to offer something different. At the Edge Academy, we challenge students to take responsibility for being SAFE, modify their behaviour, improve attitudes to school life and make academic progress across the range and breadth of curriculum opportunities available. In addition to classroom-based learning, students are provided with enrichment opportunities throughout the academic year.

We respect that all our young people are individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds and life-experiences. We passionately believe that by assisting them to overcome their personal barriers they should be entitled and READY to access the full-range of opportunities available in society.

One of our core values is to place children and families first. At the Edge, our families get to know the teams who support their child well and are actively supported to work in partnership with professionals. Right from the start, we make sure that we are RESPECTFUL to spend time listening to our young people and their families to find out as much as we can, as together we develop the start of their Edge learning journey. We continually develop and adapt our support for each family, so that whilst caring for their children, we also acknowledge our responsibility to listen to and understand the needs and priorities of parents and carers.


The Edge Pledge

We WILL support students to be:

  • SAFEto make positives choices to keep themselves and others safe.
  • READYto succeed in the world beyond school.
  • RESPECTFULto treat and value others as equal individuals.

We WILL ensure our students are successful by:

  1. Understanding their individual social, emotional and behavioural needs, focusing on their happiness and safety by nurturing their self-esteem.
  2. Teaching the importance of respecting and valuing other people and their environment.
  3. Seizing opportunities within and beyond the national curriculum to support learning and enhance development.

We WILL bring the best out of our students by:

  1. Helping them fulfil academic potential by re-engaging them in learning.
  2. Enabling each of them to understand and adopt a healthy, active and environmentally friendly lifestyle.
  3. Listening and responding flexibly so each individual can achieve their potential.