Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, Year 11 students’ GCSE examinations are fast approaching, with the first starting on Tuesday 16th May 2023. There are 12 exams in total between 16th May and 20th June 2023.

Prior to this, students will also have completed non-exam assessments in GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition, Media Studies and Art.

To support students with this as much as we possibly can, and in response to student voice, we are implementing a change to Friday’s enrichment activities whereby Year 11 students have an opportunity to focus on their GCSE examinations rather than completing normal enrichment sessions. There will not be an option for Year 11 students to take part in enrichment sessions attended by Year 10 and Connect students.

The opportunities are as follows:

  • Complete practical sessions in school for GCSE Biology;
  • Take part in GCSE English Literature revision;
  • Participate in small group Maths revision;
  • Continue to develop portfolio work in Art;
  • Gain personalised support for the Media Studies non-examination assessment;
  • Revise from home using a study pack for each GCSE subject taken.

If successfully applying for the latter option, students will leave school at 12.00pm every Friday for the final eight enrichment sessions of 2022/23. The expectation will be to complete revision and study independently at home. If you would like us to consider a request for your child to do this, please complete the proforma below and we will authorise on a case-by-case basis.

It is imperative that we do everything we can to support our students in achieving the very best outcomes they can and help them gain the best life chances.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries regarding the content of this letter.

If you would like your child to remain in school, they will complete one of the above GCSE revision sessions between 12.00pm and 2.00pm.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Fairburn

Assistant Principal: Quality of Education

[email protected]


Name of student:
I would like to request permission for my child to leave The Edge Academy at 12.00pm for the final eight Friday enrichment sessions of 2022/23 to revise from home. I understand that the school will consider all such requests on a case-by-case basis before authorising.


Full name: