Start of Autumn Term Update 2022

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I hope you and your children are all well as we approach the start of the Autumn Term; we can’t wait to get started again in 2022/23 and look forward to working with you all once more! If you haven’t had a chance to watch the latest video magazine update on our YouTube channel, please give it a watch at:

Firstly, a further reminder that the Autumn Term starts for all students on Wednesday 7th September at 9.30am. As always, our free Breakfast Club will be open from 8.45am and all students are welcome to attend this.

Secondly, I wanted to confirm that following my previous correspondence with you and also a full period of consultation with staff, students, governors and partner schools, our school day timings from 2022/23 are as follows:


8.45-9.30am Breakfast Club

9.30-10.20am Period 1

10.20-11.10am Period 2

11.10-11.30am Break

11.30am-12.20pm- Period 3

12.20-1.10pm- Period 4

1.10-1.40pm- Lunch

1.40-2.30pm- Period 5

2.30-2.40pm- Registration

2.40pm- End of School Day

2.40-4.00 pm- Additional Tutoring, Intervention and Enrichment Opportunities


8.45-9.30am Breakfast Club

9.30-10.20am Period 1

10.20-11.10am Period 2

11.10-11.30am Assembly

11.30am-12.00pm- Brunch

12.00-2.00pm- Enrichment

2.00pm- End of School Day

I am pleased to confirm that there are no changes to staffing from the end of 2021/22 so we look forward to a smooth and consistent start to learning at the beginning of the year.

Finally, I just want to reiterate how keen we are to get back to work and to support your child- this is after all the core business of our “Safe, Ready, Respectful” ethos and “Edge Pledge” to students. As I am sure you are now aware, we were very proud to win the “Outstanding Support for Students” Award at the Midlands Education Awards at the end of 2021/22 (see: ) and we will continue to drive forward as we embark upon our new three-year plan for “Unleashing Greatness”.

As always, please also feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] if there are any further questions I can assist with in any way regarding this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wakefield
