Dear Parent/Carer,


We have had a successful spring term at The Edge Academy and I’m pleased to share with you some of the key improvements and achievements:


  • In response to student voice, we have run a reward trip to Cadbury’s World for students who have achieved ‘Student of the week’ status. The students had a fantastic time touring the factory, museum and shop and even created their own chocolate bar wrapper!
  • We have had excellent attendance in exams and continue to support students in achieving the best outcomes possible.
  • One student is successfully completing a work placement in our kitchens working alongside the academy chefs.
  • Break and lunch time activities are successfully running for students giving them opportunities to have fun with friends.
  • Curriculum planning for September is well underway.
  • All Year 11 students have received careers support and the vast majority have places at college for September.


School re-opens on Monday 5th June at the normal time of 8:50am for students.


Please do not hesitate to contact myself if you wish to discuss any aspect of the academy.


Yours sincerely,

Karen Slater
