Dear Parents/Carers,


Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Parents’ Evening


We would like to take this opportunity to formally invite you to Parents’ Evening for Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students on Tuesday 11th July, between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm in the dining room.

The evening will provide the opportunity for you to check on your child’s academic progress in all subjects and will also give you the chance to talk to your child’s key worker about how he/ she is finding life at The Edge generally. In addition, we will ensure that your child’s report for 2016/7 is ready for you to collect. Refreshments will be available in the Dining Room.

We know that students whose parents are actively involved in their education make better academic and social progress than those who are not supported. It is with this in mind that we invite you to this important event.

Please fill in the reply slip below to inform us of your intentions. We would be grateful if you could return the slip to us at reception by Tuesday 4th July, otherwise feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you on Tuesday 11th July.


Yours faithfully,



Andrew Wakefield

Vice Principal



Year 7,8,9 and 10 Parents’ Evening


I will/will not be attending the Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 11th July 2017.


Name: ___________________________                               Year Group: __________


Signed: __________________________ Parent/Carer


Parents Evening Letter as at June 19th 2017