NEU Strike Update as at July 3rd 2023

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I hope you are well and would like to start by thanking you for all of your support so far this term; as always, it is much appreciated. I am writing once again to update you on the National Education Union (NEU) strike action you have no doubt heard about in the news.

Given that we are a comparatively small school as an Alternative Provision setting, we will be fully open as normal for the remaining dates on which the NEU is taking industrial action this academic year, namely Wednesday July 5th and Friday July 7th.

For those of you who are unaware, the NEU’s dispute is with the Secretary of State, as “she has failed to give the undertaking sought by the NEU to make available additional and sufficient funds to allow employers to pay a fully funded increase in teachers’ pay at a rate greater than inflation”.

As usual, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] if there are any further questions I can assist with in any way regarding this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wakefield
