Heatwave/ End of Summer Term/ Start of Autumn Term 2022 Update

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I hope you are well and would like to start by thanking you once more for all of your support this term; as always it is much appreciated. I am writing to remind you of arrangements for the end of this term and for the beginning of the new term.

Firstly, a reminder that the Summer Term finishes on Thursday 21st July at 12.15pm. Students will be provided with a “grab bag” of food upon departure. Don’t forget that school also finishes at 12.15pm on Wednesday 20th July as I have mentioned previously, once again students will be provided with a “grab bag” of food upon departure.

Secondly, in view of the red weather warning issued by the Met Office and temperatures of 38 degrees forecast in Northfield, we will also be making one small amendment to our hours for Year 10 students this week– they will now finish at 2pm on Monday 18th July. All Year 10 students will be provided with a “grab bag” of food upon departure. Due to the planned activities we have already publicised for Year 9, there are no further changes to Year 9 hours this week, or Year 10 hours on any other days this week.

I would also like to remind you that the Autumn Term begins on Wednesday 7th September at 9.30am for all students.

Finally, if you need anything from us over the holiday period, don’t forget that we have a dedicated e-mail address for any safeguarding issues you need assistance with which is [email protected] and a dedicated safeguarding section of our website at: https://www.theedgeacademy.co.uk/safeguarding-2/

A reminder too that you can follow the latest updates and get in touch with us on all of the major social media platforms by following the links below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/edgenorthfield

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edgeacademynorthfield

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theedgeacademynorthfield/

Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/edgenorthfield

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCecMYPWTNC-DYEbioHbBFvA

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-edge-academy-northfield/mycompany/

As usual, please also feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] if there are any further questions I can assist with in any way regarding this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wakefield
