Half-Term 2 Cultural Capital Week

Dear Parent/Carer,

Student enrichment experiences are a vital part of our Safe, Ready, Respectful curriculum at the Edge Academy and school visits to different environments and places outside of the local area form a key aspect of that provision.

We are planning to give further such opportunities to students during the week beginning December 12th 2022. Students will be out of school on various visits throughout the week. The visits are part of our curriculum offer and as such there will be no alternative on-site provision. Students are being offered one activity from a choice of three, outlined in the table below.

All participants will need to wear comfortable clothing and trainer type shoes; open toe shoes, sandals or sliders are not recommended. Students will need an outdoor coat as they will spend part of the day outside, alternative arrangements will be made in the case of extreme bad weather. The trips will use a variety of transport: Option 1 to Crystal Leisure Centre will travel by minibus, all students will be required to bring a swimming kit. Options 2 and 3 will travel to Birmingham separately by train. All trips will return at approximately 2.00pm. Students will be free to leave from school upon return at 2.00pm in recognition of the full day of offsite activities that they will have been actively participating within.

Lunch, refreshments and drinks will be provided on return to school, however there may be opportunity for students to access other refreshments should they wish to bring a small amount of money themselves. This is optional and not necessarily required.

The trips and activities in Cultural Capital Week will operate as follows:

Date Year 11 Year 10
Monday 12th December Vocational Learning placement as usual  Option 1
Swimming Crystal Leisure Centre
Option 2
Ice Skating Centenary Square
Option 3
American Pool Hall Birmingham
Tuesday 13th December  Option 1
Swimming Crystal Leisure Centre
Option 2
Ice Skating Centenary Square
Option 3
American Pool Hall Birmingham
Vocational Learning placement as usual
Wednesday 14th December All students in normal lessons. Students finish school at 2.40 as normal.
Thursday 15th December All students in normal lessons P1 & 2. Students finish school at 12pm as previously advised.
Friday 16th December All students in normal lessons P1 & 2.Students finish school at 12pm.


Should you have any queries regarding these trips, please do not hesitate to contact the school, or myself directly via [email protected] or replying via the SMS text message sent from school to notify you of the trip.

Yours faithfully,

Charlotte Poynton

Assistant Principal