End of Autumn Term 2018/ Start of Spring Term 2019 Arrangements


Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing with advance confirmation of our end of Autumn Term 2018/ start of Spring Term 2019 arrangements.

Please remember that the Autumn Term finishes on Friday 21st December at 12.30pm. There will be no off-site enrichment sessions running on this day but all students will be provided with a free sit-down traditional Christmas Dinner during “Friday Brunch”. Students will need to attend school as normal at 9.15am in full uniform, we will be running our end of term rewards assembly during the last day of term and will also be providing all students with a surprise end of term Christmas gift! Thank you in advance to all students who have offered their services in helping us to install our Christmas decorations this week- as always, we expect all students to respect the time put into this so that the school environment can be enjoyed by all!

In order to ensure that our safeguarding training is up to date and of the highest quality, governors have agreed an additional staff training day at the beginning of the Spring Term 2019, meaning that both Monday 7th January and Tuesday 8th January are now staff training days. All students therefore need to return to school by 9.15am on Wednesday 9th January for the beginning of term.

If you have any further questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]


Yours faithfully,

Andrew Wakefield
