Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to let you know about some recent changes to the careers section of our school website:

We are working hard to ensure that you are kept up to date with curriculum changes and have updated our website to reflect the new statutory guidance.  Good career guidance helps inspire pupils towards further study and enables them to make informed decisions whenever choices are open to them. It helps them to understand enough about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed. It is important for social mobility because it helps open pupils’ eyes to careers they may not have considered.

Our website now hosts pages for students to explore their options, learn about the world of work and discover local further and higher educational establishments. There is a dedicated page for parents and carers to outline how our careers curriculum is delivered and a wealth of resources to help you to support your child. There is also a link to the fantastic work we did as part of National Careers Week 2020.

Careers education is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and governing body. We aim to provide a wide range of curriculum enrichment opportunities underpinned by our school ethos and ‘Safe, Ready, Respectful’ values.

As a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents. If you would like to be involved in delivering a careers experience or would like to suggest an alternative activity for us to explore please do get in touch. If you would like to find out more or discuss any concerns (particularly during this “lockdown” period”, I can be contacted on 0121 533 5858 or via e-mail at: [email protected]


Yours sincerely,


Charlotte Poynton

Assistant Principal