Dear Parent/ Carer,

Whilst understandably new admissions to The Edge have remained on hold under the current “lockdown” conditions, we are writing to confirm that we plan to restart our admission process from the week beginning 6th July 2020. As you would expect, we will be beginning with the students on our waiting list that we have already committed to taking in from partner schools. We very much look forward to working with your child at an exciting time for the growing school community in which we are experiencing unprecedented demand for places.


We are also writing to advise that in light of the most up to date government guidance, we have adapted our admissions procedure in order to minimise “physical interactions” and prioritise safety. We are therefore supporting new students prior to joining us by:


  • Running ‘virtual tours and initial visits’ via a YouTube video showing the school, its staff and our key messages that would have previously been shared in the physical admission meeting.
  • Digital completion of all paperwork and forms by referring schools.
  • The introduction of remote baseline testing in English and Maths for new students that can be conducted at home and not in school.
  • Home ‘doorstep’ visits by Edge staff to complete the admission packs/signatures with the parent/carer.


We will of course now move onto the next stage of the process by making individual contact with all schools and families to support the completion of admissions where appropriate for a September 2020 start. If you have any further queries, please contact me directly at [email protected]


Yours faithfully,


Adam Smith

Vice Principal