Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to remind you that we provide breakfast free of charge for all of our students who want it between 8.55-9.15am every morning! Students should arrive as near to 8.55 as possible as registration starts at 9.15 and the canteen will be closed promptly at this time. There will be a selection of cereals and toast, hot drinks and fruit juices! We would encourage as many students as possible to attend breakfast club, all of the most up to date research shows that students who have had a healthy breakfast start morning lessons feeling good and ready to learn!

On the subject of food, we are proud to report that we are now serving freshly prepared food from scratch every single day at lunchtime, and have removed a significant number of unhealthy items such as chips from our menus as part of our push on healthy lifestyles. I would also like to congratulate students on their conduct at lunchtimes since the decision was taken to keep all students on-site, they eat with staff every day before attending clubs and they have been a pleasure to spend time with! This has also significantly improved our safeguarding procedures, an issue which is of paramount importance to us.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Wakefield
